Köln ; 1987
Subject / Epoch / Region
Social and cultural history / 20th century in general / Germany
Social and cultural history / 20th century in general / USSR, CIS
History in general / 20th century in general / Germany
History in general / 20th century in general / USSR, CIS
Title:The third Soviet emigration
Add. title:Jewish, German and Armenian emigration from the USSR since World War II
Author name:Heitman, Sidney, 1924-1993
Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien : Berichte des Bundesinstituts für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien
Volume: 1987,21
Year of publication:1987
Publisher/Place:Publisher: Bundesinst. f. ostwiss. u. internat. Studien
Place: Köln
Format:V, 108 S.
Other Editions:Elektronische Reproduktion
Description:Mit dt. Zsfassung
Document type:Computerdatei, Online-Ressource, E-Book
Subject (Heading):
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