

What is searched?
osmikon.search offers the possibility to search simultaneously in relevant German and international library catalogues, bibliographies and special databases for scientific literature and research material on Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Find out more about osmikon.search



What is searched?
The subject repository "OstDok – Eastern European Documents Online" provides electronic full texts of research on Eastern, Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Find out more about OstDok 



What is searched?
The database ARTOS records specialist articles and reviews from around 400 current journals and selected anthologies covering a wide range of research in the humanities and social sciences from Eastern and Southeastern Europe and across the region.
Find out more about ARTOS



What is searched?
OstNet is a catalogue for internet resources and lists academically relevant websites and online documents on Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe. In OstNet you can, for example, search for institutional websites, blogs or digital humanities projects on a specific topic or country, or search for databases for a specific research target.
Find out more about OstNet


ARTOS alerting service

Use the ARTOS alerting service to receive regular e-mail updates on new articles and reviews from several hundred journals and selected edited volumes on Eastern Europe!
Find out more about ARTOS alerting service

Tutorials and Training

As part of the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies, we offer research institutions, universities and libraries training courses on our service and information offers locally or via webinars.

We offer for example the following training topics:

  • the research gateway osmikon and its services for Eastern European studies,
  • the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies and its services,
  • literature search with osmikonSEARCH and other search tools,
  • research data management.

We also regularly conduct webinars and on-site trainings, however only in German:

  • A journey through Eastern Europe by clicks – with the research portal osmikon
  • Data? Tell me about it. – An introduction to research data management in East, East-Central and Southeast European studies
  • Mission possible: Searching databases for Eastern European studies - finding digital research materials
  • News galore on the Eastern front: Searching, subscribing to and requesting new materials on East and Southeast Europe

You can find the current dates on the website of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Course schedule

We also offer information literacy tutorials for East, Central and Southeast European Studies, which can be used for self-study as well as for teaching.


Information literacy tutorials for the East, Central and Southeast European Studies

Background knowledge on the library landscape for the East, Central and Southeast European Studies

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

Ways to effective research

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

Research data

PowerPoint presentation with audio commentary (After opening the PowerPoint file, the presentation including the recorded text starts automatically.)

YouTube video

New acquisitions services, newsletter and more

Arbeit mit Archivalien

Die Tutorial-Reihe „Arbeit mit Archivalien“ entsteht in Kooperation mit dem FID Nordeuropa im Rahmen des Netzwerks NordOst. Der FID Nordeuropa veröffentlicht innerhalb der Reihe Tutorials zu den digitalen Angeboten der nordeuropäischen Archive. Diese können in der VifaNord angesehen werden.


"Focus on East and Southeastern Europe: virtual workshops for students, researchers and information specialists"

In the autumn of 2020, the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies organised a workshop series in cooperation with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bibliotheken und Dokumentationsstellen der Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropaforschung e.V. (ABDOS). Some of the workshops were aimed at librarians and information specialists, while others catered to the needs of students and researchers.

Workshop at 28 January 2021 about "Libraries and book markets in times of a pandemic: challenges and chances".

Presentation (pdf) und YouTube-Video (in German)

Workshop on 1 February 2023 about "Bosansko bibliotekarstvo" | "The Bosnian library system: Libraries from Sarajevo introduce themselves"

YouTube-Video (bosanska verzija)

YouTube-Video (German interpreted)

Workshop on 15 October 2020 about "Acquisition and records of open access E-books"

Presentation (pdf) und YouTube-Video (in German)

Workshop on 18 March 2021 about "Research data management in Russian, Eastern and Southeastern European studies"


Workshop on 3 December 2020 on "Newsroom Eastern Europe: Searching for and in digitalized newspapers"

Presentation (pdf) und YouTube-Video (in German)



Book a training course

Please contact us and tell us your wishes regarding the topic and time frame of the training. We will answer your request within five working days.

* Required field



For questions and suggestions please write us an e-mail:
