

What is searched?
osmikon.search offers the possibility to search simultaneously in relevant German and international library catalogues, bibliographies and special databases for scientific literature and research material on Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
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What is searched?
The subject repository "OstDok – Eastern European Documents Online" provides electronic full texts of research on Eastern, Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
Find out more about OstDok 



What is searched?
The database ARTOS records specialist articles and reviews from around 400 current journals and selected anthologies covering a wide range of research in the humanities and social sciences from Eastern and Southeastern Europe and across the region.
Find out more about ARTOS



What is searched?
OstNet is a catalogue for internet resources and lists academically relevant websites and online documents on Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe. In OstNet you can, for example, search for institutional websites, blogs or digital humanities projects on a specific topic or country, or search for databases for a specific research target.
Find out more about OstNet


ARTOS alerting service

Use the ARTOS alerting service to receive regular e-mail updates on new articles and reviews from several hundred journals and selected edited volumes on Eastern Europe!
Find out more about ARTOS alerting service

Archive of the "Newsletter of the Specialised Information Service for East, Central and Southeast European Studies"


Archive of the former "Newsletter Eastern Europe" of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

The "Newsletter Eastern Europe" of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (up to no. 103) is the direct predecessor of the "Newsletter of the Specialised Information Service for Russian, East and Southeast European Studies" (no. 104 ff.). You can still find it under this link: Archive of the "Newsletter Eastern Europe"